Deconstructing Self by Mario Enrique

Member-only story

On Personal Truth

Dr. Mario Martinez


Truth is the reality we experience. But truth is much more than disclosure because the expression of our reality needs to be deconstructed to differentiate our personal truth from the cultural truth we are taught to believe. Cultures impose realities compelling us to live and disclose them in order to be deemed honest. Then truthfulness is defined as disclosure of the reality we were taught to live rather than the truth we could access if we decide to be existentially honest with our selfhood.

But what if we choose to live a truth that is incompatible with the cultural rules we learned, and we are asked to be truthful? If we disclose our personal truth, we face tribal disapproval, and if we express what our culture wants to hear, then we embrace the private shame of a liar: A no win situation.

The option I propose, however, is not about winning. It is rather about living in harmony with your personal truth, even when you choose not to disclose it. And here is the liberation to live your truth: If your truth is not acceptable to the standards of your culture, you can test its inherent morality so you can avoid illnesses triggered by living cultural lies. If your truth has meritorious meaning, service, and purpose, then you can be at peace without needing to disclose it or confirm its value with the cultural inquisition that haunt your worthiness.



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