From Your Memory MindBody to Your Future-Present Self
How to Construct Wellness in the As If Future
Our mindbody functions reflect the consciousness we learn to perceive our world from our cultural editors and our own experiences. We are a conglomerate of our memory mindbody that replicates itself based on the known past. To make mindbody changes for maximum wellness requires going to an as if future free of restricting biosymbolic parameters.
I propose that transformation from known dysfunction to unknown wellness can be structured in the realm of our Future-Present Self. Life based on the product of our memories is the path of the tribal journey. In contrast, experiments from the as if future lived in the present is the private journey of self that I teach in my books and seminars. But… change allowance determines the duration of reaching our objectives. Although time is an allowance that contributes nothing to what we do in space, cultures teach us how to perceive time as if related to the performance of our tasks, including how we age.
If we see time as a contributor to our objectives, we give up personal agency and live in the fishbowl determined by our culture.
Biocognitive Glossary
Agency: Awareness of our contribution to our efforts and achievements.
As If Reality: Constructing ideal conditions in an imagined heuristic future free of cultural restrictions.
Biosymbolic: Culturally learned images, symbols, beliefs, and perceptions that affect our biological processes.
Change Allowance: A culturally learned concept of how long it should take for conditions to unfold: healing, falling in love, aging, deservingness, illness.
Cultural Aging: How we age according to the cultural beliefs we assimilate about the passing of time. See growing older.
Cultural Editors: Individuals given authority in specific contexts by their cultures: teacher in classroom, doctor in clinic, clergy in church, parent at home. Their pontifications have powerful placebo and nocebo effects. Also, to a great degree, cultural editors shape how we perceive ourselves and our world.
Fishbowl Effect: Living as if our perception had boundaries that cannot be transcended. We are more than goldfish condemned by their glass enclosures.
Future-Present Self: Creating a desired mindbody condition as if in the future and living it in the present.
Growing Older: The passing of time. See cultural aging.
Heuristic: Serving as an aid to learning, discovering, or problem-solving by experimental and trial-and-error methods.
Memory MindBody: The accumulated experiences archived in memory to respond to the predictable. We are a product of our culturally learned behaviors. Our mindbody is a living reflection of what we remember in space and time.
Nocebo: A strong belief of negative outcome influenced by the expectations of our cultural editors.
Outlier: Life beyond the pale: Embracing our individuality rather than what cultural norms dictate we should be.
Placebo: A strong belief of positive outcome influenced by the expectations of our cultural editors.
Private Journey of Self: Living the outlier consciousness that rebels against cultural editors that dictate what is best for us, based on their expertise.
Tribal Journey: Living to please others, avoid being disliked, following collectivist rules at our expense, and buying in to the cultural portals of age.
Liberation Pathways
- Choosing between what others think of you and how you decide to live moves you from the tribal journey to a personal journey of self.
- Defying cultural editors based on gained awareness of your excellence from 150 thousand years of Homo sapiens trial and error inherited to maximize health, love, and wealth.
- Sculpting, in the as if future, the mindbody that you want, and gradually living it in your present. You can apply this method to enhance healing, improve relationships, and any other life event that is limiting your joy. However, the process has to be embodied (lived as if) rather than merely imagining what you want.
- Be ready for objections from cultural editors unwilling to coauthor your changes, and give them permission to not like your new path.
- Be patient with expected changes because the transformational process is methodical and organic.
- Begin to see “normal” as mediocrity to keep you within the tribal pale.